Epitaph On M Ever Hnured Father
epitaph on my ever honoured father
o ye whose cheek the tear of pity stains,
draw near with pious rev'rence, and attend!
here lie the loving husband's dear remains,
the tender father, and the gen'rous friend;
the pityi that felt for human woe,
the dauntless heart that fear'd no human pride;
the friend of man—to vice alone a foe;
for “ev'n his failings lean'd to virtue's side.”
o ye whose cheek the tear of pity stains,
draw near with pious rev'rence, and attend!
here lie the loving husband's dear remains,
the tender father, and the gen'rous friend;
the pityi that felt for human woe,
the dauntless heart that fear'd no human pride;
the friend of man—to vice alone a foe;
for “ev'n his failings lean'd to virtue's side.”